Turfgrass Seed PREMIUM SEED FOR PREMIUM TURF Bentgrass Couchgrass Ryegrass Bentgrass Name Supplier Description OAKLEY BENTGRASSVillage Green SeedA creeping bentgrass with excellent disease resistance delivering high quality turf and superior wear tolerance.OAKLEY BENTGRASS Couchgrass Name Supplier Description Blends Name Supplier Description MP TOURNAMENTVillage GreenPremium fine turf ryegrass and fine fescues blend designed specifically for amenity parks, golf tees, schools and other high profile lawns.MP TOURNAMENT Ryegrass Name Supplier Description MP CHANGEOVERVillage GreenHigh performing blend for winter overseeding of warm season grasses such as couch and kikuyu.MP CHANGEOVER MP DERBYVillage GreenPremium ryegrass racecourse blend designed with quick establishment and lateral spreading characteristics.MP DERBY MP ECOSPORTVillage GreenPerennial fine turf ryegrass VNS blend of the highest quality varieties available. Hardwearing for use on sports fields, tees and amenity turf areas.MP ECOSPORT MP STADIUMVillage GreenPremium perennial ryegrass blend specifically designed for high profile surfaces.MP STADIUM