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John Forrest

Agronomist & Technical Sales Representative

John joined Living Turf in 2021, bringing along with him, 40 years’ experience in the turf industry. He spent 16 years as a horticultural consultant, and 24 as a turf and horticulture lecturer. John is a qualified agronomist from the University of Sydney, and broadly capable in weed, pests and disease control, nutrition, soil and plant science.

John has a wealth of experience in commercial turf, with previous roles in research, technical and sales in council, golf, sports and open space turf maintenance. John was the Chairman of the Greens at Hartfield Golf Course, which won the Golf Course State Environmental Award in both 2015 and 2016. Hartfield also won the National AGCSA Claude Crockford Environmental Award in 2015. John is a life member of Golf Course Superintendents Association, and Western Australian Reviewer of the Western Australian environmental guidelines for the establishment and maintenance of turf grass areas.